Even though I know that this is the epitome of evil technology, why is it that I still want to try it just once? I mean the sinister possibilities are virtually endless...
You could force a bodyguard to murder his charge, cause someone to kill themselves by walking off a cliff, criminals could get their victims to stop fighting back or running away, gangsters could veer police off course and just think of all the bad sci-fi tv plots that are going to come out of this.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
*sigh* Although it may be the only way to keep me from my shop-a-holic ways.
yay, you're back!
I want a remote for the husband.
I think Dick Cheney is already using the whole remote control thing on Bush.
CBT- Don't worry. I won't tell your wife as long you don't tell my husband.
Aughra - If I figure out how to use it on mine without him knowing it I'll definitely let you in on the secret.
HC- LOL. That would explain SOOOO much.
SOB - I use my finger to count. But sadly it still doesn't help.
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