Sunday, July 17, 2005

Why I Love: My Cats...

10:34 am Awww... they're so CUTE! 10:34 am & 42 seconds.....


Girl With An Alibi said...

Yes, they are downright adorable when they aren't trying to kill each other. Both boys and brothers too... so I know what I'm in for when we start having human kids.

loren said...

We have a fat cat named Annie, but she's not nearly as much of a tiger. She mostly sleeps all day.

I noticed you changed your profile, I guess those are your feet in the picture! I hope you didn't take them off to photograph them, because that would be self-defeating :-)

Also I see that you're from San Diiego. Mixed feelings about that place, since I was in boot camp at the time.

Girl With An Alibi said...

LOL "Self-defeating!" Hahaha.. love that.

yes, we live in Vista actually. So we get to hear them blow stuff up at Camp Pendalton all night long... You'd think they'd have a curfew but they do it past midnight even on weekdays.

loren said...

You inspired me to change the picture on my profile. This one is a little more prosaic, it came from my driver's license.

aughra said...

Hey - that's really similar to the relationship I have with my husband!

Snave said...

Any blog that posts cat pictures is a great blog. Thanks for posting this one depicting the moment of attack! We have three at our house, and they are an endless source of entertainment!